Sunday, March 2

8 Random Facts About Me


Referring to yesterday's post, this is part II.. Actually, yesterday I was in such a rush, so I just Ctrl + C the questions and added my part, and there's actually two parts of it. One is the one I already did, and the other is "8 Random Facts about Me".. Hehe.. Sounds familiar?? I think kamal would know, because he tagged me *ages* ago, and I never did it, yet after 2 more person tagged me, well, there's no lazing away then..


So, even though 2 person insists that the last post wasn't really a post (and I kinda agree.. LoL), again I'm doing it.. Haha.. Just bear with me for a while longer k.. I already have plans about my new update, and it's got something to do with shades of happiness of my own, but since this tag is already been stalled for a looooong time, here's Tagged : Part II

8 Random Facts About Me

The Rules :

  1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
  2. List 8 random facts about yourself.
  3. Tag 8 people at the end of this post and list their names.
  4. Let them know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

8 Facts About Me:

  • I love cats!! Hehe.. And usually when I'm at home, I talk to them.. Funny? Well, that's just the way I am.. A picture of two of my cats lounging in front of a neighbour's house :

  • I sing while washing dishes.. =) Haha.. Well, singing is therapeutic to some, and for me, a self-appointed music lover, trying to sing is just as good as listening to it.. Though sometimes I didn't realise that I'm humming under my breath until someone pokes me and says, "Hey, you like that song??" Ooops, malu la pulak.. LoL..

  • If I'm wearing shoes while driving, usually I will take them off.. Haha.. Dunno if others do that, but I haven't seen it yet. Weird? It depends.. I did that because I don't want the shoes to be folded at the middle, and then there will be a line at what was supposed to be smooth.. =)

  • I love the color purple! And one thing remains the same until this day, my purple mechanical pencil that I have since Form 3.. =) And a bronze bracelet with purple beads that I bought with Dilla, still looks fine.

  • I like watching animes! From dark themed animes like Blood+ and Hell Girl to funny ones like Ouran and Negima. I love 'em all! ;-) Though I gotta admit, I haven't watch any since the start of this semester although Nad has lent me her copy of Fate/Stay Night and Dilla gave me a few of series that I haven't yet see.. Haha..

  • I doodle, a lot!! My friends have already known this particular habit of mine, and you can see almost all my books/notes are scattered with em. I doodle when I'm bored, I doodle when I am studying and I doodle when I did my tutorials.. ;-)

  • Like I said, I like music, but I do listen to oldies!! =) Hehe.. I remembered one time when a friend borrowed my mp3 and she finds 'Heaven Knows' inside it, and she said,"Eiii, lagu ni bukan dah lama ke??" and that kinda sums it up. Yep, I do listen to LiteFM, and not ashamed to admit it! =p

  • I don't like wearing name tags! Usually, I go extra lengths to avoid wearing 'em, even when at Pusanika (coz a lot of my friends would wear it just in case our honourable security officers would stop us and demanded an explanation. But me? Hehe.. Just try to keep my eyes open and zig-zag-ing my way to arrive to my destination without hassle. But, I do like to wear it if I'm wearing my lab coat. Dunno why though.. Haha..

.. .. ..

Anyway, that's all for now.. And for hilman n kamal, don't worry, I'll post my new update asap.. =) But, thanks for coming anyway.. LoL..

Just to add one thing, this Wednesday I will be having another mid-term exam (Bioreactor II) and to add to that, there will be a lot of replacement classes and laboratory works, so will be a bit busy.. =)

Btw, thanks for reading!


  1. i third the motion i made yesterday!

    well, pasal tag ni... igt lagi...

    psst... sebenarnya masa tuh aku wat 6 je! hahahaha

    well, happy busy life!!!

  2. i hate to do taggy thinggy.. malas pon ado gak.. hehe..

    u lurve cats, u are purplish.. lagu heaven knows to zaman i laa.. lama tuu..!

  3. sama rr kita...

    x suka kai kasut masa drive..

    x suka kai kad matrik...

    suka tgk anime..

    tp yg x sama...

    I DONT LIKE CATS..geliiiiiiii!!!


Well, what do you think?