Thursday, November 13

A Commencement of a Makeover...


Just a quick one today I'm afraid.. Haha.. As you would notice, I have changed my template. Like it? Hate it? Do tell.. =)

The new look..

Anyway, this week has been full with doing laboratory works.. =) As it is, I am done doing the operation (remember this??), and will post up the picture soon.. Lol.. And if you're wondering about the operation, just one thing, the one being operated on is definitely not me.. Haha..

Now, suspense or not???

Haa.. OKla, till next update. Take care all.. And all the best for your respective theses for final year students and exams for those who are still having them. =)

And as usual, thanks for reading..


  1. nice one..
    hijau sejuk mata memandang
    tapi player xde ke?

  2. oh? purposely put the picture of the blog in the entry?

    hehe.. if ther's no picture, maybe I will not know how it looks like browsing thru google reader.

    eh.. warna hijo dlam gamba n hijo yg sbenar cm x sme je

    mesti missteddybearHIJO marah nnt. hehehe.

  3. love your template! =)

  4. hahaa...
    tau xpo...
    mase tgk2 kat google, lembab ngat upload, trus klik link blog n i say "waaaaah!!!"

    xterkata, sangat lawau, juga sangat dengki...
    seperti yg sy sukakan, tp xpa, arap2 sy wajin tepek cop di sini...

    *anda disaman~ lalala~*
    banje eskim...
    huu, ijoku dicuriki...
    ijo, mari2 pulang kepadaku semula...


  5. nice =)
    i love this template too
    dah mula cuti ke?
    kena rajin tulis entry lepas ni ye.

    maybe u should start with your plans for the holidays..
    n yeah, all the best with the operation!

  6. alee --> hehe.. thanks.. =) xperasan aritu alee pun tukar template.. tgk2, sume dah berubah.. lepas ni sape pulak eh?? hee..

    hilman --> hehe.. u noticed?? yeah, i did some alteration to the picture to put in blog.. =) miss teddy marah? xpe, meh bg eskim hijo satu... lol..

  7. patt --> thanks patt!! hehe.. me n alee dah tukar, patt bila lagi?? lol..

    miss teddy --> haha.. hijo dah kena culik!! hee.. nak eskim ke?? mintak kat pakcik dulu.. ~ngeh3..

  8. kd --> hehe.. thanks!! glad that u like it.. =) anyway, aah da start cuti, tp serupa macam xcuti sbb hari2 pegi fak, nak buat lab.. lol.. em, rajin tulis entry?? will try, hehe.. Insya-Allah.. kd pun dah habis exam kan? whats your plan for d holidays?

  9. tu la kowang... asik men intai2 dr google reader je...
    skodeng je
    tgk mcm aku ni...
    first time tau nak bukak page ni setelah sekian lama...
    skali, wallla!!!

    tercabar ni...

    anda nak rampas takhta blogger femes dr beta ek???


Well, what do you think?