Sunday, July 6

Woah, A Makeover!!!


Just went back from my faculty.. Hehe.. It's been somewhat of a routine that I went to the fac a day before the semester starts to get the timetable. And got some, although it's not complete yet.. Seems like we'll have to constantly check via internet for it. For FKEJ students, here's the link :


Anyway, once I get to the first floor, this is what greets me,

A makeover to our Faculty (at least the immediate area to the new Pejabat Dekan counters, that is...) though it's a bit, erm, well, you know what I mean... ;-)

And here's some more :

Tiles... The tables had looks like its increased in numbers.. =) Well, all the better for us, no? Kinda miss hanging out there.. ;-)

This place were always crowded with students last semester.. Internship, offer letters, log books, name lists, the list keeps going on, and on, and on.......

New railings? Nearly missed seeing that.. Haha.. =) But, I'm glad nevertheless..

Oh well, really couldn't believe I'm a fourth year already.. It feels like only yesterday I've come through the doors and being the junior with 3 levels of big-bros-and-sis.. All the people I've met, those who graduated, those who remains by my side, my friends.. Haih, feels so nostalgic all of a sudden.. Haha..

Anyway, gotta gear up for this last chance.. May we all go through all life's challenges and be someone that we wish to be.

GOOD LUCK everyone! And let's make this year the best we've ever had, insya-Allah..

And thanks for reading!


  1. waaaaaaa make over semua serba baru! urmmm kejap jer awk dh 4th year ek? pasni merdeka laaaa... hv a great dy ahead dear.

  2. ump pown ada macam2 make over... jakun sat...

    slamat tahun akhir...
    kita cuba sehabis baek ok!

  3. patt --> hehe.. yup, WoW!!! =p

    yanz --> 4th year = last year = final year = alamak, rs nak pengsan la pulak.. Hahaha.. Thanks for d wish!

  4. kamal --> hehe.. maknanya time ni sumer uni2 tengah byk $$$.. Hehe.. makeover mcm2 ada.. =)

  5. gambar tasek kejut x der? la jadi tempat joging first year ak tuuh,...silap2 boya pon ader dlm tuuh...hehehe...biawak dah der dah..ngeh!

  6. tru --> hehe.. nak ke gambar tu? boleh je.. dgn gambar biawak pOn boleh.. hehe.. boya xde la pulak ternampak, tp mgkn ada kowt, hehe.. menunggu mangsa yang suka berkayak kat ctu.. =p


Well, what do you think?