Sunday, July 20

Don't You Just Love the Rain???


Time flies so fast nowadays, that sometimes I feel like I could never keep up. Still, it wouldn't do to lose hope now, would it?


I did something wrong, and I've been thinking about it every wink of my waking day! Ugh.. What if I never did it? What if I had the gall to think before acting? What if? What if?

So many 'what if's couldn't solve the problem. I make a mistake, that's a fact, and I'm never going to live off it any time soon. I will keep replaying it inside my mind, and I will keep on speculating those 'what ifs', coz maybe things would be different than it is now.. But, still, it's downright foolish to think that we could turn back time so right now I'm hoping that everything will turn out ok..

Wish me luck?

PS : Sorry for the lack of updates.. Just had the industrial training presentation yesterday, and now still racking my brain as to which thesis title I should choose.. Still, I will hope for the best. =)


  1. sy ske ari ujan!!!

    tapi yang xlebat la...

    hum... K.E.N.A.P.A ...

    penah wat post pasal KENAPA itu...
    tp lame2 pikir, sesat jalan...

    papepon, yg lepas, lepaskan jak...
    kejau yang akan datang pulak...

    wish u luck!
    senyum n gumbira2 selalu.
    kalu dok pikir mende yg dah lepas n yang kite regret sangat2, kite takan berjalan ke depan, sebab asik menoleh belakang...

    jadikan pengalaman beguna mase depan, tu lagik nsem!

  2. tak pe la tak update byk2...
    aku pown tak larat nak membaca blog2 yang update tiap2 ari...
    sungguh la banyak entri kat google reader aku tak baca!
    sibuk kan...

    mmm dulukan tanggungjawab.. prioritize...
    buat silap is part of the package kan... but like i said b4 it is how we responsed after we fall thats matter!

    k bebeh!
    gud luck!!!

  3. hey sis! how's life?
    hope goes well..
    biasa laa.. hari2 update blog pon jenuh laa kan.


Well, what do you think?