Friday, April 18

I'm Jealouzzz!!!


It's been quite some time since I've last blogged. Hehe.. Well, I would be lying if I said I was too busy to write.. Haha.. Even with the looming of the final exams in front of me, I still managed to watch TV, go surf the net for my occasional blog reads and social-networking through FC or FS.. And a lot of my friends started studying waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy ahead of me, and I still have a lot to cover. Nevertheless, me with my 'slumber-ness' intact, cannot read the textbooks 24/7 or I would go cra-zee!!


Oh well, actually dun have anything to blog right now, coz I know if I drone on and on about my studies, it's going to be VERY boring.. Hee.. Anyway, next week I'll be having 2 papers and the week after that will be full with 3 papers --> I would say they are our killer papers this semester, but still, I want to hope for the best and do all I can.


After all, positive thinking is the route to success right? I really have to rectify my CGPA through this semester. There's a lot of things to take in, true, but let's just take it as a challenge, ait?

Lastly, to all of you :


PS : And if you're wondering what the title got to do with this post, well, try to find the connection! LoL.. One gula-gula if you can guess.. =p

Thanks for reading!!


  1. u r jealous, cos i update my blog frequently compared to u right!

    meh sini gula2 tuh.... MEH!

  2. Hahaha..
    Jeles sebab org laen update blog..
    Betul jugak tue.. =P
    Ke jeles sebab org laen dah stat studi..?
    Uwaa.. Takutlaa nak final.. =(
    Ke jeles sebab Irina pun minat Ikuta Toma jugak..?
    Grrr.. Kena berebut dgn Irina dan Patt la nampaknya.. =(
    Good Luck Irina! =)

    P/s: Nak gula2!! =P

  3. god luck gak...x sempat baca post,,,nampak good luck tuu jer...hehehehe

  4. hahahhahaa.. kamal pya jawapan tu buat i gelak tau..

    so another paper to take? aiyooo bz nya u irina! all da very best sis! kasi challenge si Kamal tu tau.. u go gurl.


Well, what do you think?