Sunday, February 24

Chef of February


I just got back from my old school for a reunion. Reunion again?? Hehe.. Yep, another reunion. Anyway, it was OK, but a bit uneventful for me.. I said for me because not a lot of my friends went. After all, I did schooled there till form 3, so there’s a lot of changes done since my days there. But otherwise, it was fun.

Oh well, lets leave that first, lest that ‘someone’ would comment “semua cerita reunion je..” Haha.. Don’t terasa k.. LoL.. What I want to write is actually about the Chef of February as promised to Hilman.. I thought and thought about it, but wasn’t able to find an appropriate idea. Nevertheless, a promise is a promise, so I will try to deliver.

Chef of February

Sometimes, having a clear goal in your life is such a hard thing to do. Looking back, a lot of our years were spent by being a student. We have primary education for 6 years, then secondary education for 5 years, afterwards some would go to matriculation or continue being a 6-formers, and there are some who are lucky enough to be going overseas to further their studies, where they would spent more or less 2 years as ‘persediaan’. Besides that, there are some who stopped at there, and went to live their life as a free man (or woman for that matter) and open his/her own business or getting married or find a job.

For the other three sets of people, some went on to university and struggled for their degree or diploma. Nevertheless, there is always some similarities.

“I’m never going to do this ever again...”

“Man, I wish being a student isn’t THIS hard!”

“When am I going to be free??”

Those are the things that I always hear from my friends or even myself sometimes, especially when 2 to 3 assignments are due the next day, or having exams on the same day as a presentation, you get the drift. So what drives us to keep going on despite the many hardships we encounter in our student life?





There might be more, and I think it is best to agree that there’s always some kind of a motivation that drives us. Not only as a student, but as a person, everyone has his/her own sets of things that motivate them.

There was one thing that I remembered from what kak zura said in her last comment, she said life in the working world is a LOT harder in a sense that a lot of things that we didn’t expect would come to be. That get me thinking, well, life in general is a learning process. We change from one naive little boy/girl whose view of the world is a simplistic one, to a hardened veteran who views everything with their guard up. There is no definite black, nor is there complete white like we believed earlier. All there is, are shades of gray. So it is with our experiences that guides us how to deal with different things and situations that we encounter in our daily life. And it is our actions that determine who or what we would be in the future.

Anyway, I am glad that I’ve come this far. With everything that had ever happened, and all the choices I have made, shaped me to become who I am today. And I am sure that is true with all of you.

And before I conclude this entry, just want to answer this question that I'm sure you are thinking of asking,

"What does this got to do with Chef of February???"

Well, to be honest, nothing!! Or it might be everything! Hehe.. What I understand is that it's really up to us on what to write. And at this current time, I wanna write about this. So, there.. As a chef that mould and cooks up stories to plate off in given intervals, I deem this 'plate' is ready to eat.

So, happy eating! Or reading! LoL..

And have a great February. =)


  1. uhuk2!
    entry last minute neyh
    lagi 4 5 haru nak abes feb, dia masuk lak! aish!

    well... men campur2 je ek??? bagus gak...
    sbenarnya bukan hapa... tajuk hilman tu sush sgt... bgi la tajuk general sket kan... hahahaha

    (abes lah kalo dia baca, trus kalah!)

    i think, in term of learning, kita kena positif... walau sush cmna pown, takkan la nak katakan sush... benda sush kalo ckp sush akn lagi sush... huhu

    good day!

  2. apo ni chef february ni? ayooo adakah aku ketinggalan apa2 entry ni? ke si kamal pya blog entry aritu? i blurr okkay...

  3. kak yanz ni plupa la...
    kan dah kata dulu..
    ni pertandingan yang kwn kitowg buat saja suka2...
    duration in feb... so leh ckp je pape... asalkan kaitan ngn chef of feb... tu je!

    plupa sungguh - hari tuh dia yang kata nak masuk!

    dah tua la katakan! ops!

  4. salam..

    kamal --> hehe.. late entry eh?? hehe.. kan dah janji, so walaupOn xde idea, tetap menyumbangkan sesuatu.. =)

    yanz --> yup, ni sbnrnya ala2 contest yg dibuat oleh kawan ktorg, hilman.. neway, sempat je kalau nak join.. hehe.. tuk lebih info, klik kat link to hilman's page (creating a world).. =)

  5. Aduih,
    Pe punye tajuk le korang proposed ni..sian si Rina ni ha..

    Nak kate kene...mengenela gak.Ingatkan kisah Chef Februari dalam menghadapi liku2 pertandingan memasak tadi..cit..rase tertipu lah plak??

    Yes, keje ni amat meletihkan.But dari dunie pekerjaan nilah kite kan banyak belajar n jumpe macam2 orang.Gud luck!!

  6. @lienz --> hehe.. nasib baik ada kena mengena.. ahaks.. tertipu eh ngan tajuk tu?? hee.. jgn marah.. LoL.. tp mula2 mmg nak wat cite pendek pun, tp ble pikir balik, malas la pula.. muahaha..

  7. febuary dah nak abes dah pon...hahahaha!!

  8. hahhaa..ingt entry pasal masak memasak tadi..yang penting, selalu think positive...*tp akak pun slalu tersasar gak*..cuma kalau tersasar,cepat-cepat balik ke landasan..takut-takut tersasar lagi jauh..:D


Well, what do you think?