Thursday, February 14

Ugh, The Nerve of That Person...


WARNING!! RAMBLING AHEAD.. Skip to the paragraph below the dotted lines to save yourself from these angry-person-impersonating-me words..


Just had my project presentation a moment ago. It was frustrating, and it was the FIRST time I almost fought with another student because of it. Yep, there were raised voice, and I'm not proud of it. I am just not a person who likes to resort to being mean to get my point across. Who does he thinks he is? Ugh, geramnya!!

I don't regret standing up to my point, and I don't mind defending it, but could you just stop searching for every little detail that you can bring out in hopes that I can't answer? Well, you chose the wrong person, mister. And, could you just stop giggling after asking me the same questions (although I admit, you changed the wording)? Coz I know you expected me to crumble and fall, cry maybe? Maybe someday I will, but today is not the day.

So, dear mister, please stop behaving like a temperamental child. Wake up and open your eyes. Others may not have your so-called experience like what you gained in your yearly-internship with the company that provided you with your scholarship, but never think that they are beneath you.

... ... ...

Anyway, just one statement to make : I liked working in a group

Notice the d?

Yep, it means past tense.. I used to love working in a group because a lot of fresh ideas can be given out that way.. And it becomes a way for me to learn to communicate well. You see, quite some time ago, I always shut my mouth in the company of people whom I do not know. Why? Because I tend to talk so fast that people can't understand what I'm saying, and they were like nodding with those strained smiles on their faces, and within a moment I will realize they didn't understand and I would become embarrassed and be quiet.

So, I became a listener. In fact, I become so good at it that people don't notice if I'm listening to them when what I was doing was thinking about other things (hehe.. still did this sometimes, but I do listen, promise!!). But the fact is, being in a group teaches me to slow down, present my ideas so that others could understand and weigh the possibilities that what I said could be right. I love a group where animated (or heated) discussion were done, and then achieve the best possible solution to counter the problems. I like being in the process of making the decisions together.

But one thing that causes the d to appear is when the other members of the group refused to contribute. That is a very big problem because for me, I believe in a democratic arrangement. I don't want to be a dictator, and I never wanted to be in control coz frankly, I've been there, done that. So why not let others become the leader? But its hard being the only one who is enthusiastic. I did all the work already, couldn't someone at least help me during the barrage of questions thrown my way? But, no, silence rule.

I just wanted to give people a chance. Little did I know that that would be my biggest mistake. Maybe from now on I had to be the puppeteer that pull the strings? Or be the shadow King (or Queen in my case)? Is it so hard to ask you to share some ideas? And I'm sorry if my face looks a bit funny while you were telling me about what I should have added during my counter-answer when I was desperately looking at you guys with, "Guys, I need some help here.." written all over my face, and you didn't even bother to gave me any hints.

I'm really sorry for feeling this way. Maybe it's not fair to you guys, but right now, I'm just too steamed to be soft. Just let me cool down a bit.. And for anyone who reads this, sorry for the above ranting.. It is a frustrating thing on my part, but I'm glad I let it all out.

Me, the evil-twin-self stops writing here.. Muahaha!


Well, thanks for the comments for my last post.. Really appreciate it, though I couldn't really say that this is an entry for the "Chef of February" contest. Sorry, Hilman. I'll tell you when it's ready ok. And abg peng, don't be too sure of a sure-win yea.. Lol.. Just kidding.. =)

I will be having 3 mid-semester exams next week. On Monday, we will be going to Jalan Kuchai Lama for an industrial trip to Ajinomoto. Then, the very next day is Ethics exam. On Wednesday, we will have to sit for two exams, Bioreactor and Mechanic Design. Friday is reserved for Utilities Design.. Wah, I haven't studied yet!!

Still no reply from Shell although most of my coursemates who goes for the interview has already gotten an answer, but I have already started to search for other companies who will take interns for 10 weeks period of time. Can give me any suggestions?

Anyway, wish me luck k! Perhaps, I will take a break for a week or so. Gotta study for the exams! Hehe.. But, don't worry, I'll visit your blogs, only I don't think I can manage any updates for this week and early next week. But might do if I have a good news to tell. *wink*

And although this is just a short post, but thanks for reading yea.


  1. to your evil twin : working in a group is tough. then if you choose to work alone, people label you as arrogant, self centered. hard to please everyone. as long as you are happy, be it :)

    happy valentine's day!!! :D

  2. In my opinion and short experience, dictatorship is most of the time the best way to get the work done, the fastest...democracy is the worst...the most wasting least be a benevolent dictator...which I was...Happy V Day

  3. irina...
    mmg bengang kalo apa yang berlaku tak seindah yang digambarkan... dan untuk presentation tu, look at the bright side... maybe this is the reality of the real world that we must face when we are outside of the university...

    penah gak kawan aku slalu kutuk2 satu lecturer ni... sbb terlalu strict n tah pape... tapi, looking at the bright side, banyak jugak dekat tempat kerja kita nanti yang perlu dihadapi.. kalau manusia satu pesen je... tak best la dunia kan...

    paham ko tension... let it out... kira ok la tuh... u;ll feel better...

    pasal work in group... aku slalu pk cmni je... aku wat mana bahagian aku... kalo ko tak buat bahagian ko, maybe aku akan buatkan... tapi ingtlah qada' dan qadar... hukum karma... ko akan dapat susah gak dalam hidup ko atas apa yang ko buat neyh...

    kadang2 manusia mmg tak faham mana letaknya harga orang lain dalam sesuatu situasi...

    psl internship tu... try johnson&johnson... dalam blog aku ada link ke jazlin.. dia dak utp, chem eng... tgh intern kat sana.. dia kata apply through emel je... elaun 800 tu,... try r... mana tau dpt...

    bila dapat nanti, pass2 gak kat aku tau! aku perlukan utk taun dpn!

    smile always!

  4. hey! come & drop by to see me ok? my ofis juz nearby!! gimme a call.. (if u got time laa)

    rilex sis! cheersssss!

  5. selamat membuzy kan diri anda dengan xzam..wahahaha...

  6. Irina..
    Skg nie tgh minggu ketensenan..
    Same wif me laa..
    Org pun tgh tensen dgn manusia2 nie..
    Dah lame sabo..
    Org teluah kat blog jugak..
    Hehehe.. Rasa lega sket kan?

    P/S: ade jugak pada satu saat dan satu ketika org rasa cam nak simbah air panas je.. But since we're taking chem eng course, org terpikir y not simbah asid pekat je? ngeh3.. Kesimpulannya, arghh.. manusia mmg perangai berbeza2.. Have to face it! Uwaa.. diorg nyer perangai, kite plak yg tensen.. Sabo2.. Tuhan je yg bg ganjaran sabo tue.. Malaikat pun xtau berapa markah sabo.. Allah je.. Hehehe..

    Good Luck For Mid-Sem Exam! (",)

  7. bongkersz --> "hard to please everyone." yep, agree with you 100%. my motto now, do whatever it is to keep myself in a good mood so that I can counter any problems that come my way.. =)

    elvin --> muahahaha.. benevolent dictator? i like that word.. LoL.. anyway, just like I say, I use democracy first because it's the safest way of doing work. safe here means that there's no hard feelings n tense situations, but alas, desperate times calls for desperate means right? i know better now. this semester I will be having 3 different groups for different subjects. let's just wait and see right?? ;-)

    kamal --> aah, pe yg ko ckp tu mmg betul.. there's always two sides of a story right? like people used to say, "ada udang di sebalik mee maggi". LoL.. bout the stand you took, about doing our part first before helping others, yep, agree whole-heartedly. it's always good to think about karma. cuma kadang2 ak ni baik sangat, if grup member mcm diam / tension / ada prob, asyik rs bersalah je kalau x tolong.. huhu.. adakah beta kena jadi 'sedikit' jahat? =)

    yanz --> hehe.. yanz ny ofis katne eh? kalau free, le je dtg jenguk.. haha.. le la org tu blanja pizza ke.. ehem2..

    tru --> muahaha.. xpe, org yg ckp tu pun sm k.. =p bz tahap cipanzi dah ni.. haha..

    azira --> wah, first time zira komen.. hehe.. dr mana sampai blog shaye ek? lol.. ntah ble lak stat bersaya2 ni kn zira kn? muahaha.. neway, read your post, especially the one about 'pay it forward' tu.. tell me later? simbah air panas? hmm, apa kata, zira simbah mikrob2 kat lab ktorg tu je.. ada streptomyces, aspergillus, n ape tah lg.. hahaha.. le tgk proses 'fermentasi' berlaku kat luar bioreaktor.. =p ngeh3..

    n to all who read n commented, THANKS k.. I feel a lot better now. and as i mentioned, sowy sgt2 if i didn't comment at your blog recently. tgh studi ni.. (hehe.. tp sempat je online jap kan? =p) to all yg akan menghadapi pekse, ALL THE BEST! yg keje (atau mencari keje), keje baik2.. jgn tuang tau.. LoL.. n to others, live life to the fullest! smile always!

  8. you've been tagged. reply as soon as your free. tgh2 minggu exam pun smpat lg reply tag org. lol.

  9. Muahaha..

    pat ni, tau2 je org malas nak wat tag.. hehe.. okok, i'll do it k.. but next week can?



  10. i asked syfa d othr bout ur english groupmates. then i asked hape bout these ppl in their class, and hape confirmed to me tht diorg mmg jenis yg xkan contribute anything dlm kelas. maybe u shuold report to ur lecturer bout this, at least they wont get the marks for group project. it's fair rite..

  11. erm..adat belajar memang cenggitu..tapi nanti bile dah masuk alam pekerjaan, perkara lagi besar yang kita tak pernah bayangkan pun akan terjadi..cuma yang penting, sabar banyak-banyak

    tak semestinya kita diam,itu tandanya kita salah..dan tak semestinya kita banyak bercakap itu tandanya kita bijak..:D

    good luck..:D


Well, what do you think?