Saturday, February 2

Chem-e-car Competition


A lot of things happen, and I noticed I have promised to post about so many things such as the USM trip for the chemecar competition, my interview for the industrial training with Shell, the movie, trip to the East Coast and yada.. yada.. Hehe.. Well, sorry to kept you waiting (perasan nya pulak.. =p) especially Patt who reminded me, "Rina, bila nak post pasal UKM????" Hehe.. So, here it is :

Last Friday, a group of UKM students braved the walk (or drive in some cases) in the cold, breezy morning sporting sleepy faces to meet up at the Faculty as instructed.. With the burden of high expectations on their shoulders, and their resolve strengthened, together, hand in hand, they board the cold UKM bus, each lugging their heavy bags and the much-needed car necessities and off they go. After a wild ride through the traitorous PLUS highway, with mobiles who were driven by people with devil-may-care attitudes, finally they arrive to their designated dwelling for the day, The Summit Hotel, Bkt Mertajam. The next day, the fight for dominance begins at the hall. They fought and shouted and pleaded and cheered, finally their efforts are paid with handsome rewards. In the end, they live happily ever after...









Oh, you were expecting more?

LoL.. Hehe... Sorry2, wanted to experiment with some style of writing. Couldn't keep it up tho, I was scratching my head on what other words to add.. =) Don't know if it works or not. Hehe.. Oh well, how about I start from the beginning?

On Friday, the majority of time are spent on the bus. Of course we ate at Hentian Sebelah(s) and had dozens of toilet stops, but finally we arrived at the hotel at about 2.30 pm.

Then, we head to USM for the test runs of the car.. The groups are Chemiformers (UKM1) and BFOY (UKM2), and judging from their performances that day compared with others, we were quite sure that UKM teams would be big competitors in the competition. At 6.45, we went back to the hotel.

Just one thing to add, The Summit also doubles up as a shopping complex, so guess what we did?


LoL.. No-lah, just window shopping. Had a big dinner consisting of pizzas from Pizza Hut, and Almond Pistachio ice cream (it's nice I tell you.. Yummy!). Sorry coz we didn't take any pictures during that time. Too busy eee-thing while watching OIAM and American Idol.. =p

Then, we went photo-crazy.. Take tons of pictures amidst geleng2 kepala of our tutors who come along as chaperones(?) and giggles of our coursemates..

Abid, me and Dilla.. Wan is taking the picture.. =) Seeing this picture reminds me of another similar picture.

Notice the similarities? =)
This one is taken on Gebeng trip last year.

Then, sleep beckons.. Had to wake up early coz we were supposed to start out for USM at 6.45. Had an early breakfast, and sempat lagi taking pictures.

Eat.. Eat..

Then, the competition is commensing. Both teams started to warm-up their cars. Let me tell you about the structure of the competiton. Each team would have two tries, and only their best score (or distance) would be taken into account for the prize. There are three main awards, first, is the car competiton. Ideally, the car should stop at the exact distance. So, if it crossed the line, or didn't manage to arrive at the specified distance, the winner will be determined from the closest distance they managed.

BFOY warming up their car.
(this is taken from Sam.. LoL)

Second, is the poster competition. Due to some problems, the teams (we noticed that almost all) didn't know they had to present a PowerPoint presentation along with the posters already completed and pinned to the walls. So they had to do their slides that Friday night. Third, is the special award rewarded to the most consistent car, which means that the car with the best consistence will be the recipient.

The result?

The scoreboard.. =)

BFOY won first runner-up for the CAR competition.

UKM1 - Chemiformers with their poster.


Besides bagging the second place, BFOY also won the poster competiton AND the Most Consistent Car. To sum it up, UKM 'almost' become the overall winner. Congratulations to the contestents!

Another thing, there are reports of someone from UKM being seen with a small boy, about 8 years old. Guess who?

Lol.. It's my cousin, Jaafar.. He's a 'bit' shy with strangers, notice the bowed head? Haha.. He's malu-malu kucing with Abid, who's taking the picture. =)

Finally, it's our turn to grace the stage. Here's the Supporters Group, who lent their voice and antics that add colour to the competition :

Can you find me?? =p

Anyway, I think thats all for now.. Thanks for reading yea..



  1. finally! hehe. ohh, i didnt know dilla went.=)

  2. bila ko `ckp there's someone in ukm been seen with one 8 y/o boy... aku igtkan another penculikan atau kes kanak2 hilang berlaku... tak scroll lak ke bwh td... aish!

    waa macam best je g... apa kaitan chem lak ngn bnda2 cmtu? macam robocon je kan?

  3. huhu. tingat ms belaja chem dedulu. :D

  4. Patt --> hehe.. finally eyh? sowy dear, selalu got limitations to post something. tell you bout it later, k.. =) anyway, yep, dilla went. hehe.. so there's 6 from bio group, 4 of us + wenli + sk.. ;-)

  5. kamal --> haha.. dah agak dh, mesti ada org akan fikir camtu.. hehe.. nak tambah kat situ, "ni bukan kes penculikan etc." tp xjd.. LoL.. apa kaitan chem ngan kete ni? sebenarny, tuk gerakkan kete ni, dorg kena gnekan proses kimia tuk hasilkan tenaga elektrik. contoh paling mudah ialah bateri kereta. hehe..

    diya --> hehe.. masa blajar chem dlu? kira cam walk into memory lane la ni ek? hehe..

  6. bangga menjadi warga ukm...hehehe...

  7. truanta: eh, tot u said u don't like ukm? now bangga plak? ngehehehehe...=P just kidding.

    neway, rina. looking at these pictures. actually how many ppl went for the trip? still very pissed off with the bTch here.

  8. Is this for all the Universities or just certain U? Because I have been in Chem Department for quite some time but never heard of it. Maybe just for Engineering it?

  9. tru --> hehe.. yup, me too! =)

    patt --> if I'm not mistaken, there were about 24? 26? hehe.. including the contestants of course.. and there were 8 tutor/demos with us.. =) in the end, all those who wrote their name can come. i was sure we had to fought for a place at that time, but... =)

    elvin --> actually it's open to all public/n-p universities. dunno why not all U send their representatives tho. another thing, if I'm not mistaken, the competition is open for engineering students only. for more info, go here :

    yanz --> hehe.. i did! had tons of fun.. hehe..

  10. walaupun gambar x dpt view..janji dpt baca text ukm pun jd le...ade rase bangga kat situe..hahahhaha

  11. Still takde update?...I like the songs playing on I'm listening.
    My holiday? mundane...Got nothing to do and just staring at the computer screen all's yours?

  12. urrmmph.. i wonder... nape. we ol x terdedah dgn competition nih.. ek..??


Well, what do you think?