Wednesday, December 10

What Went Wrong??

I can' help but feel like we're getting further and further away.
Is it me?
Or is it you?
I don't know..
I tried to make an effort.
Asking about your day..
But I can't help but feel like you're distancing yourself.
What did I do?
Or were you feeling sorry?
I just hope we can get back to what we once were.
I miss hearing you laugh.
I miss the easy companionship that we shared.
In short, I miss you.


  1. uish...
    merisik khabar ni...

    *sambel play lagu sudirman - merisik khabar*

  2. irina.. r u ok? hmm camne nk respon comment ni. xpe ke taip je camni..hehe

  3. miss sape tu rina? ;) be happy..


Well, what do you think?