Sunday, February 24

Chef of February


I just got back from my old school for a reunion. Reunion again?? Hehe.. Yep, another reunion. Anyway, it was OK, but a bit uneventful for me.. I said for me because not a lot of my friends went. After all, I did schooled there till form 3, so there’s a lot of changes done since my days there. But otherwise, it was fun.

Oh well, lets leave that first, lest that ‘someone’ would comment “semua cerita reunion je..” Haha.. Don’t terasa k.. LoL.. What I want to write is actually about the Chef of February as promised to Hilman.. I thought and thought about it, but wasn’t able to find an appropriate idea. Nevertheless, a promise is a promise, so I will try to deliver.

Chef of February

Sometimes, having a clear goal in your life is such a hard thing to do. Looking back, a lot of our years were spent by being a student. We have primary education for 6 years, then secondary education for 5 years, afterwards some would go to matriculation or continue being a 6-formers, and there are some who are lucky enough to be going overseas to further their studies, where they would spent more or less 2 years as ‘persediaan’. Besides that, there are some who stopped at there, and went to live their life as a free man (or woman for that matter) and open his/her own business or getting married or find a job.

For the other three sets of people, some went on to university and struggled for their degree or diploma. Nevertheless, there is always some similarities.

“I’m never going to do this ever again...”

“Man, I wish being a student isn’t THIS hard!”

“When am I going to be free??”

Those are the things that I always hear from my friends or even myself sometimes, especially when 2 to 3 assignments are due the next day, or having exams on the same day as a presentation, you get the drift. So what drives us to keep going on despite the many hardships we encounter in our student life?





There might be more, and I think it is best to agree that there’s always some kind of a motivation that drives us. Not only as a student, but as a person, everyone has his/her own sets of things that motivate them.

There was one thing that I remembered from what kak zura said in her last comment, she said life in the working world is a LOT harder in a sense that a lot of things that we didn’t expect would come to be. That get me thinking, well, life in general is a learning process. We change from one naive little boy/girl whose view of the world is a simplistic one, to a hardened veteran who views everything with their guard up. There is no definite black, nor is there complete white like we believed earlier. All there is, are shades of gray. So it is with our experiences that guides us how to deal with different things and situations that we encounter in our daily life. And it is our actions that determine who or what we would be in the future.

Anyway, I am glad that I’ve come this far. With everything that had ever happened, and all the choices I have made, shaped me to become who I am today. And I am sure that is true with all of you.

And before I conclude this entry, just want to answer this question that I'm sure you are thinking of asking,

"What does this got to do with Chef of February???"

Well, to be honest, nothing!! Or it might be everything! Hehe.. What I understand is that it's really up to us on what to write. And at this current time, I wanna write about this. So, there.. As a chef that mould and cooks up stories to plate off in given intervals, I deem this 'plate' is ready to eat.

So, happy eating! Or reading! LoL..

And have a great February. =)

Thursday, February 14

Ugh, The Nerve of That Person...


WARNING!! RAMBLING AHEAD.. Skip to the paragraph below the dotted lines to save yourself from these angry-person-impersonating-me words..


Just had my project presentation a moment ago. It was frustrating, and it was the FIRST time I almost fought with another student because of it. Yep, there were raised voice, and I'm not proud of it. I am just not a person who likes to resort to being mean to get my point across. Who does he thinks he is? Ugh, geramnya!!

I don't regret standing up to my point, and I don't mind defending it, but could you just stop searching for every little detail that you can bring out in hopes that I can't answer? Well, you chose the wrong person, mister. And, could you just stop giggling after asking me the same questions (although I admit, you changed the wording)? Coz I know you expected me to crumble and fall, cry maybe? Maybe someday I will, but today is not the day.

So, dear mister, please stop behaving like a temperamental child. Wake up and open your eyes. Others may not have your so-called experience like what you gained in your yearly-internship with the company that provided you with your scholarship, but never think that they are beneath you.

... ... ...

Anyway, just one statement to make : I liked working in a group

Notice the d?

Yep, it means past tense.. I used to love working in a group because a lot of fresh ideas can be given out that way.. And it becomes a way for me to learn to communicate well. You see, quite some time ago, I always shut my mouth in the company of people whom I do not know. Why? Because I tend to talk so fast that people can't understand what I'm saying, and they were like nodding with those strained smiles on their faces, and within a moment I will realize they didn't understand and I would become embarrassed and be quiet.

So, I became a listener. In fact, I become so good at it that people don't notice if I'm listening to them when what I was doing was thinking about other things (hehe.. still did this sometimes, but I do listen, promise!!). But the fact is, being in a group teaches me to slow down, present my ideas so that others could understand and weigh the possibilities that what I said could be right. I love a group where animated (or heated) discussion were done, and then achieve the best possible solution to counter the problems. I like being in the process of making the decisions together.

But one thing that causes the d to appear is when the other members of the group refused to contribute. That is a very big problem because for me, I believe in a democratic arrangement. I don't want to be a dictator, and I never wanted to be in control coz frankly, I've been there, done that. So why not let others become the leader? But its hard being the only one who is enthusiastic. I did all the work already, couldn't someone at least help me during the barrage of questions thrown my way? But, no, silence rule.

I just wanted to give people a chance. Little did I know that that would be my biggest mistake. Maybe from now on I had to be the puppeteer that pull the strings? Or be the shadow King (or Queen in my case)? Is it so hard to ask you to share some ideas? And I'm sorry if my face looks a bit funny while you were telling me about what I should have added during my counter-answer when I was desperately looking at you guys with, "Guys, I need some help here.." written all over my face, and you didn't even bother to gave me any hints.

I'm really sorry for feeling this way. Maybe it's not fair to you guys, but right now, I'm just too steamed to be soft. Just let me cool down a bit.. And for anyone who reads this, sorry for the above ranting.. It is a frustrating thing on my part, but I'm glad I let it all out.

Me, the evil-twin-self stops writing here.. Muahaha!


Well, thanks for the comments for my last post.. Really appreciate it, though I couldn't really say that this is an entry for the "Chef of February" contest. Sorry, Hilman. I'll tell you when it's ready ok. And abg peng, don't be too sure of a sure-win yea.. Lol.. Just kidding.. =)

I will be having 3 mid-semester exams next week. On Monday, we will be going to Jalan Kuchai Lama for an industrial trip to Ajinomoto. Then, the very next day is Ethics exam. On Wednesday, we will have to sit for two exams, Bioreactor and Mechanic Design. Friday is reserved for Utilities Design.. Wah, I haven't studied yet!!

Still no reply from Shell although most of my coursemates who goes for the interview has already gotten an answer, but I have already started to search for other companies who will take interns for 10 weeks period of time. Can give me any suggestions?

Anyway, wish me luck k! Perhaps, I will take a break for a week or so. Gotta study for the exams! Hehe.. But, don't worry, I'll visit your blogs, only I don't think I can manage any updates for this week and early next week. But might do if I have a good news to tell. *wink*

And although this is just a short post, but thanks for reading yea.

Monday, February 11

Updates, Updates, Where Art Thou??!


Have been a bit busy last week, cause even though it's a holiday week, I've spent 3 days in Perak, visiting my grandma, played tennis 2 days straight (not that I played 24/7, mind you, just two mornings in a row) and realises that my backhand is way off. Ugh, that's what you get when you left something for too long. Well, my bad. Should have played more frequently. Hehe..

Anyway, how was your holiday? Mine was ok, and though I didn't get any reading or homeworks done, got to rest. Watched 3 movies, the first one being Elizabeth : The Golden Age with family, and Meet the Spartans and Gabriel with Dilla.. =) Hehe..

Elizabeth was good, even though can't help but grumble, grumble while seeing the exploits of Walter Raleigh with the Queen and watching her as more humane than what she was rumoured to be. Meet the Spartans is passable if you're looking for something silly and funny. If you're expecting serious/intelligent plot, well, don't go for this one. =)

Gabriel was surprisingly okay. I thought that it would be bad, based on what few of my friends said, but for me, it was alright. But don't go expecting some mumbo-jumbo CGI delights or anything yea, coz this Australian production was touted as a low-budget film.

Oh well, got tonnes of things to do right now, though sometimes I feel so tak-bersemangat.. Huhu.. Care to see my list?

  1. Call the possible companies for industrial training. Am still waiting for Shell, but till now, haven't got any response yet. Maybe tomorrow? I certainly hope so! =)
  2. Bioreactor tutorials.. Yes, tutorials.. Aiyoo, when to do this eyh?
  3. Search for information about my Integrated Project this semester. Wanna know the title? Its Production of Cephalosporin C from Cephalosporium sp. Hehe.. Still haven't got the PFD (Process Flow Diagram) though and this is worrying.. Ugh.. Try summore! Chaiyok!
  4. Do the interview for my English project.. I had to approach housewives though.. Well, might as well start with my Mom. =) Oh, wait, she's not a housewife. Umm, hehe, say what, don't tell anybody k.. =p
  5. Prepare the slides for English proposal presentation this Thursday. Selamat I had written some objectives down that day.. Hehe..
  6. Re-do the Utilities Design quiz. Still searching/waiting for the questions actually.. =) That day, we spent almost 2 and a half hours to do ONE question. And still couldn't finish..
  7. Do the BioSeparation tutorial.. Tomorrow, we are going to do another one. My, it's piling up, fast! Help!
  8. Practice for the mock interview session next week.
  9. Prepare for the Mid-Sem exams!! Argh, this one is the topmost of all.. Hmm.. Hopefully I can cover all of it ASAP. Wish me luck!

By the way, gotta go now.. Kamal, sorry for my lack of comments. Will try to keep up with your updates.. Hehe.. Actually I've read all your posts, but there are some that I didn't sempat to comment. Hilman, really wanted to join your Chef of February celebration, but will have to see if I can make it yea.. Hehe.. Or can this be counted as an entry? LoL.. Let me know k. Patt, bila nak belanja? Hehehe.. Alvin, thanks for coming here.. Love your posts, and sorry to keep you waiting for new updates. ;-) Tru, same with you, sorry for my absent comments. And wish you all d best in life! KD, dear kd, hope you are well, and keep on writing k. Your posts has always been inspirational to me. =) Diya, sorry lama tak menjenguk blog kamO.. Usually I keep up with blog updates through Google Reader, but I couldn't add your blog feeds, don't know why. That's why when I came to your blog it's like, "Wah, so many updates already.. What did I miss??" Hehe.. Azwan n miss teddy, miss your quirky and thoughtful posts. Hehe.. Update soon, yea.. ;-) Yanz, hows the holiday? Used that voucher already? *wink* *wink* Kak zura, ape cite Korea yg le direkomen? Hehe.. And lastly, mr @lienz, apekah nasihat mr @lienz tuk membersemangatkan diri tuk wat keje2 yg makin bertambah ini?

Hehe.. And to others who reads this humble blog, thanks for coming. Do leave comments if you have the time k.

Happy studying @ working @ holiday-ing @ lepak-ing to all of you!

Saturday, February 2

Chem-e-car Competition


A lot of things happen, and I noticed I have promised to post about so many things such as the USM trip for the chemecar competition, my interview for the industrial training with Shell, the movie, trip to the East Coast and yada.. yada.. Hehe.. Well, sorry to kept you waiting (perasan nya pulak.. =p) especially Patt who reminded me, "Rina, bila nak post pasal UKM????" Hehe.. So, here it is :

Last Friday, a group of UKM students braved the walk (or drive in some cases) in the cold, breezy morning sporting sleepy faces to meet up at the Faculty as instructed.. With the burden of high expectations on their shoulders, and their resolve strengthened, together, hand in hand, they board the cold UKM bus, each lugging their heavy bags and the much-needed car necessities and off they go. After a wild ride through the traitorous PLUS highway, with mobiles who were driven by people with devil-may-care attitudes, finally they arrive to their designated dwelling for the day, The Summit Hotel, Bkt Mertajam. The next day, the fight for dominance begins at the hall. They fought and shouted and pleaded and cheered, finally their efforts are paid with handsome rewards. In the end, they live happily ever after...









Oh, you were expecting more?

LoL.. Hehe... Sorry2, wanted to experiment with some style of writing. Couldn't keep it up tho, I was scratching my head on what other words to add.. =) Don't know if it works or not. Hehe.. Oh well, how about I start from the beginning?

On Friday, the majority of time are spent on the bus. Of course we ate at Hentian Sebelah(s) and had dozens of toilet stops, but finally we arrived at the hotel at about 2.30 pm.

Then, we head to USM for the test runs of the car.. The groups are Chemiformers (UKM1) and BFOY (UKM2), and judging from their performances that day compared with others, we were quite sure that UKM teams would be big competitors in the competition. At 6.45, we went back to the hotel.

Just one thing to add, The Summit also doubles up as a shopping complex, so guess what we did?


LoL.. No-lah, just window shopping. Had a big dinner consisting of pizzas from Pizza Hut, and Almond Pistachio ice cream (it's nice I tell you.. Yummy!). Sorry coz we didn't take any pictures during that time. Too busy eee-thing while watching OIAM and American Idol.. =p

Then, we went photo-crazy.. Take tons of pictures amidst geleng2 kepala of our tutors who come along as chaperones(?) and giggles of our coursemates..

Abid, me and Dilla.. Wan is taking the picture.. =) Seeing this picture reminds me of another similar picture.

Notice the similarities? =)
This one is taken on Gebeng trip last year.

Then, sleep beckons.. Had to wake up early coz we were supposed to start out for USM at 6.45. Had an early breakfast, and sempat lagi taking pictures.

Eat.. Eat..

Then, the competition is commensing. Both teams started to warm-up their cars. Let me tell you about the structure of the competiton. Each team would have two tries, and only their best score (or distance) would be taken into account for the prize. There are three main awards, first, is the car competiton. Ideally, the car should stop at the exact distance. So, if it crossed the line, or didn't manage to arrive at the specified distance, the winner will be determined from the closest distance they managed.

BFOY warming up their car.
(this is taken from Sam.. LoL)

Second, is the poster competition. Due to some problems, the teams (we noticed that almost all) didn't know they had to present a PowerPoint presentation along with the posters already completed and pinned to the walls. So they had to do their slides that Friday night. Third, is the special award rewarded to the most consistent car, which means that the car with the best consistence will be the recipient.

The result?

The scoreboard.. =)

BFOY won first runner-up for the CAR competition.

UKM1 - Chemiformers with their poster.


Besides bagging the second place, BFOY also won the poster competiton AND the Most Consistent Car. To sum it up, UKM 'almost' become the overall winner. Congratulations to the contestents!

Another thing, there are reports of someone from UKM being seen with a small boy, about 8 years old. Guess who?

Lol.. It's my cousin, Jaafar.. He's a 'bit' shy with strangers, notice the bowed head? Haha.. He's malu-malu kucing with Abid, who's taking the picture. =)

Finally, it's our turn to grace the stage. Here's the Supporters Group, who lent their voice and antics that add colour to the competition :

Can you find me?? =p

Anyway, I think thats all for now.. Thanks for reading yea..
