Saturday, January 19

What I've Been Up To...


Really sorry for the lack of updates. =) Have been busy trying to adapt to student mode after being in such a loooooooooong holiday.. Hehe.. Anyway, I don't think this will be a long one, just something to remind you guys, I'm still here. LoL.. So what have I been up to?

1. Go read other people's blog..

Hehe.. So very sorry if I'm a bit late to comment. Since Hilman introduced me to Google Reader, I've been using it, a lot. I think it's very useful in a sense that I can keep track of all my favourite blogs and not miss any new postings. On the comment part, however, hehe, so sorry.. Sometimes I'm in a hurry, so I use this method :

Read first, comment later

Come on, I'm sure you guys have done this before right? <> Hehe.. So don't think I forgot to comment yea, coz maybe I'm late. (in Kamal's case, I've been back-commenting for ages now. Haha.. Thats why you see my comments as the bottom-est one, right? Now you know why.. LoL..

Play games.

I'm a fan of Neopets, and have been playing for 6 years now. Haha.. Maybe some would think it's childish or immature, but, the way I see it, playing as a way of releasing tension, not so bad ait? =) There's also a Malaysian guild there, and the regulars are just great! ;-)

Download my notes and search for new updates from my lecturer.

We are using this portal for downloading almost all of our lecture notes (notice the 'almost'?) and be aware of announcements from lecturers although the latter is not quite common this semester. =)

The others are usual, sleep, online, eat, lecture, read and all.. =)

Just some irrelevant infos : Some of the more special food we're eating these days,

Secret resipe cakes + McD icecream.. Yummy!!

Fried potato chunks.. They are so, so, so, yummy! Hehe.. The insides are soft and 'empuk' and it's fried to golden purr-fection. Didn't have to use 'that' much oil though, so it's safe.. =)

Ten guesses to what this is... Hehe.. Actually, it's called sate minang. How many have tried it? I tell you, it's GOOD!

Dunno what to name it.. It's minced meat lumped together (so it's supposed to resemble beef patty, but, well, it didn't turn out the way it's supposed to.. hehe..) with salads and tomatoes. We ate it with bread if I remember.. ;-) Put some Thousand Island with those freshies, and it's ready to eat.

Well, that's all for now I think. Another thing, have been hanging out with my friends, and bit by bit, they are helping me forget. Hehe.. Thanks to you guys who supported me with all those kind words.

Before I go, just a teaser, see the picture below? Now, can you guess how the plastic bag had become like

Thanks for reading.


  1. FTC!

    i guess since you have to download your notes, it will be a good excuse for you to go peek in google reader!

    guess what?
    i used other browser-based softwares too. and maybe if i introduce them?
    cuma x pakai skype la macam kamal tuh.. LOL!

    neopet? no, you are not immature. wait after i introduce something more childish on the net..
    its a friendster+anime thingy..

    but im afraid you guys will use all the excuse that you get to take a peek...


  2. hilman --> haha... glad you agreed with me.. ;-) actually, I do peek into Google Reader everyday.. But, didn't always leave comments right away..

    skype? well, i don't use 'em, dunno why though. hehe.. maybe i want someone to introduce them to me first? *hint* LoL..

    something more childish on the net? come la, tell me.. =)

  3. hahaha..terkesima tgk portal tuuh...hahahahah!!! lupa plak nak download note..ngeh!! btw...those meal look awesome..lapor la plak...

    p/s : cant wait for next cuti..heheheh!!!!

  4. tru --> hehe.. pesal terkesima pulak? =) muahaha.. awesome kn? mmg lapor pun ble tgk balik.. ahaks..

    me too! nak cuti.. xpe2, nanti chinese new year dpt hols lg.. yeah!

  5. eyh... update banyak pon salah ke???

    macam best je google reader tu... slalunya aku main ceroboh je web org, pastu tgk tak update lagi, aku bengang... muahaha...

    leh introduce kat aku tak???

    pasal skype... the concept is sama macam ym... chat, transfer file (tapi lagi laju), dan kita siap boleh call orang tu lagi kalao kita ada mic... slalu gak kalo nak wat lab report ke hapa, just wat through benda nih je... tapi kalo ko sorg je ada, kwn2 ko takde wat pe kan... ada bnda ni pon sbb ramai ada bnda ni kat sini...

    btw, macam tak best je askem mcd + secret recipe tu... len macam je tgk... huhuhu

    ko buat aku lapor balik! hampeh

    btw, tu tong sampah yang tekah dipenuhi gas pencemar udara... btol tak??? hahahaha

  6. Cam rindu pulak nak main neopet.

  7. kamal --> hehe.. best la eskim tu.. sedap.. cuba rs dlu.. lol.. psl skype, ooo, bagusny.. siap le wat lab repot lg.. wuwa..

    kamal ny jaw blum tul lg.. hehe.. nanti next post ak bgtau jawapanny k.. ;-)

    elvin --> owh, you played too?! hehe.. =) why did you stop?

  8. reader...nampak mcm menarik..:D
    Dak kejut rupenye rina ni...*wink..wink*..tasik kat kejut tu,dh ilang ke bau die..hikss..
    secret blanje akak ek...tiramisu 1 slice..:D

  9. hey irina! i lurve ice cream ok! *wink wink coz eskim make me happy!

    *pssttt.. mind we chilling out at baskin robin dear? lemme noe k..

  10. kak zura --> hehe.. wah, cane tau? tgk kat portal tu ek? hehe.. tasik tu? da ok da.. xde bau pun rsnya skrg. =) tiramisu? okok, nanti sy postkn gambar k.. :D hehehe... gurau je..

    yanz --> hehe.. me, love baskin robbins jugak! lm da xmkn eskim kt situ.. =) le je hang out, tp blanja le?? LoL.. ;-)

  11. i ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Recipe. Will never get tired of it.♥

  12. uhuk. mcm best je games aiskem tuh... huhu.

    br ni kite ade gak makan kek yg campur ngan aiskem. kek tiramisu. adoii. makan sket dh muak. best tu best. tapi... tak menahan muak nye. huhu


Well, what do you think?