Saturday, January 5



Suddenly these days I'm feeling much movitated to update this blog of mine.. =) Maybe because of the abundance of time I had nowadays. Not that it would last, so why waste the time, right? Oh well, actually we were supposed to start classes on Monday. I even arrived at 8.00 am because I'm so high-spirited to start back to full gear. But, alas, it wasn't meant to be. Huhu..

As of now, even until yesterday (Friday), the class haven't started yet. So, hopefully, this coming Monday we'll not be disappointed. Hehe.. Not that I'm THAT thrilled to get back to my busy and chaotic student life, but I wanted to fully utilize the time I have and study hard (and play hard, knowing myself) so that I could push my CGPA back up.


Anyway, nothing much actually. It's just that I did this personality-test-thingie and seems like a good thing to share. Here it is :

Take this test!

You're a Soother. When trouble strikes, you somehow seem to avoid being hit. Those around you may encounter crises, of course — which is when you launch into action. You're best at helping others ease their stress, offering a kind word or a well-timed "everything's going to be okay." You're a walking affirmation!

Of course, wearing a smile all the time can be exhausting. We're all only human, and stress happens to the best of us — including you. When you find yourself under stress, you may have to fight the tendency to shut off the phone, crawl under the blankets, and hide from the world. But it's worth it to show your true feelings, even when they're less than upbeat. Let the people you've nurtured in the past help you out in your time of need. You deserve the attention. And tomorrow is another day! So take it easy.

Haha.. So very true of me.. =)

* * *

Hehe.. Well, before I go, just want to share these images with you guys.. A friend sent them to me last week, and I've been thinking of posting 'em up since then, but couldn't do it before updating about other things first. So, here they are :

Just for your info, that man (looking back, or looking towards the front depending from which side you're looking) is NOT a real man.. It's a painting.. =)

A tote bag.. See the black strap? Is it really there? Hehe.. Again, these are also paintings.. =)

Maybe gravity is reversed inside that lorry............. or not!

I wonder why the police didn't stop this one? LoL.. Again, a painting..

Just for your info, these are in Germany..

Thanks for reading!


  1. i like your playlist!
    nice to meet u

  2. huhu.... agak2 keta aku kalo wat cmtu apa jadinya... best gak kalo lukis2 cmtu... huhu
    psal klas, memang mula lambat pown... 31 hb ari tuh ckp je ada klas... takde pown... 1 hb cuti... 2hb baru ada btol2... slamat tak yah tunggu sminggu cm ko... huhu

  3. Cute nya. Boleh jadi kawan? Saya link kat blog awak. Thanks.

  4. alvin right? kwn patt kan.. hehe.. nice to meet u.. of course we can be friends!


    sy akan link pd awak jugak k.. thanks!

  5. dak ukm gak ker?
    see i told yaa...
    u did better stay at home than doing nothing here...

    even rite now ( monday ) the class not start yet...hahaah..

  6. wahh.. lori gitu??!... paling x leh blah.. yg pic 1st tuh.. wat confuse je... huuuu...

    errr Mr Final pon tumpang singgah ke blog nih... boley??? Blh add Mr Final add link to ur blog???

  7. haha.. sm2 la kte tumpang lalu k.. =) le je.. nanti sy add k.. thanks for coming!


  8. eh, pic lori pringles tu pic ape?macam tak clear plak apa yang cuba disampaikan pada pandangan mata saye..hehe

    anyway, thanxs for dropping by..i'll add your link in mine

  9. haha.. actually, gambar lori2 tu, kwn sy bg.. asalny lori biasa je. tp ada sorg artist ni, lukis gambar2 tu kt bdn lori2 tu.. ble tgk dr satu sudut, seolah-olah cam 3D ny gambar la..


    yg pringles tu, ble tgk btul2, cam area kontena tu dah habis terbakar. cbe tgk. hee.. kn nampak cam rangka je tinggal..

    athena, anytime! =) sy akan add blog awak jugak k.. thanks!

  10. nampak terang lagik bersuluh, lori2 itew banyak yg kene edit. huhu. paling ketara yang 1st. yg last tu nampak mcm lori berhantu pun ade. kui3

  11. aria --> hehe.. mcm lori berhantu? aah, agak la.. LoL..

  12. owh..lori terbakar..baru jelas dipandangan mata..hehe

  13. athena --> kan? mula2 sy pun xprasan.. rpe2ny itu la yg dia nk tunjukkan. ahaks.


Well, what do you think?