It is inevitable to think that the world revolves around oneself. For example, we are having a bad day at work, at the very same day our car is having problems, all the ATMs were closed for maintenance, and our phone accidentally dropped into the toilet bowl, and we'll say to ourselves, "The world is doing this on purpose!" or "What did I do wrong?! I never wronged anybody, is this how I'm repaid?"
In reverse, I'm sure that all of us has experienced a day where somehow everything goes right. We wake up smiling, got praised at work, have a blast with our friends, nail that most important business deal that would guarantee our career, and we'll say, "Ohh yes, I'm the best!!! Ever!!" or "I don't know what I did, but I'm loving it!!"
Funny isn't it? Because when we think back, surely those things do not happen solely on our account. Maybe its just plain bad or good luck? A series of coincidence that negatively or positively affect us?
People always say that everything happens for a reason. There used to be a time when I've always felt like I am are the heroine of
this movie I call life. So, logic applies that things actually happen because I was there. But, isn't
that the ego (or the pride) talking? Doesn't everything that has, are and will occur, happens because of Allah s.w.t.?
Now, I'd rather like to think of it as God's way of demonstrating to me, my own uniqueness to Him. Like I do exist, and my life has never stopped from being in His scrutiny no matter what situation I'm in, or how bad I've been. And its also a demonstration of His power that I could somehow feel special and connected to Him in a world of 7 billions of people, and all those 7 billions of people minus one feels the same at one point or another in their lives whether they know it or not.
Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar.
Thanks for reading. =)
I Want to Remember and to be Remembered
7 years ago
Subhanallah, super love this! Thanks loads for this tazkirah :)
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