Monday, May 9

Peace of Mind.. =)


There will always be problems in life, for some much much bigger than others. It might even involve things that are beyond others' expectation or comprehension. And there will be times when even the strongest will not prevail over the dark cloud that looms over their head.

But, when such times do come, one of the best things to do is to share that burden with someone. It might not actually solve the problem itself, but from my own experience, through sharing, things would finally become clearer and I could finally see the problem from a new perspective. Though sometimes the risk of the 'secret' part of the problem being exposed kept some people away from trying this approach.

What I can say is that it all comes down to one thing; trust.

Thank you for reading.

ps : “No soul is desolate as long as there is a human being for whom it can feel trust and reverence.” ~ T.S. Eliot. : I'm praying for you dear.. Hope that everything will be okay and you'll come out of it stronger than before. Insya-Allah.

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