Monday, September 20

"Hope is the feeling we have that the feeling we have is not permanent." ~ Mignon McLaughlin


Just stopped by to share this music video.. It's not a new song, but it's my new discovery.. Loved the lyrics. It summed up what I felt sometimes (usually when I'm not feelin' so good..)


ps : Live after Hari Raya (though the Raya month is by no means finished) is quite lethargic.. Really needed to get into full gear for my research. But lately, I'm stuck doing things I did not think is #1 in my list to do, but had to do it anyway because anothers' expectations that what I'm doing should be #1 in my list of things to do.

Confused? Don't be.. It's just me, being intentionally samar-samar for the sake of sharing without revealing too much. But, thanks for reading anyway, and understanding..


Well, what do you think?