Tuesday, June 29

New Changes


After more than a month without any updates, I'm back.. It's not from a lack of trying though; a lot of times I wanted to write, and managed a few paragraphs then deleted it again. Sometimes the things felt too strange to be shared with the world wide web and the other times it felt too private.

Oh well, what is the use crying over spilt milk eyh? What is done, is done. So now, lets just move on to other things.

Now, notice the new design? Haha.. After so long of not opening Blogger, imagine my surprise when the new and improved templates with no-hassle design preferences is advertised. I loved it! After playing with different templates, changing the background and small details, thins is what I come up with. Like it?

Now, do check out the design templates (for those who use Blogspot of course), it's so easy to use.

Till next time, thanks for reading.. =)

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