Wednesday, June 27



Thanks for reading..

Let me start by asking,

What are friends? Are they someone you just feel comfortable talking to? Or is it the one you spend all your time with? Or instead, you think friends are the ones who stick with you, no matter what?

If you answer yes to the first question, then you are a bit unsecure, and you're shy with making friends. You probably don't have many friends because someone new would make you feel itsy-bitsy intimidated.

Yes to the second question? Then you might have a few good friends, and you spend all your time with them, and expecting them to do the same for you. You'll feel jealous if they don't, and sometimes your friendship suffered because of this.

Finally, if you answer yes to the third question, then it might be possible that you don't have that many friends, but the ones you have are worth keeping. That is the kind of friendship that would strive throughout everything, and that is the kind of friendship I'm *dying* to have.

Then again, you ask,

What if I answer yes to every question??
Hehe.. I really wouldn't know. You'll just have to ask your counsellor or psychiatrist. =p

Oh well, I'm actually in a very bad mood right now, but writing helps me to deal with it, you know.

You know what I hate most? Writing something, and nobody seems to care. I've written all kinds of blogs these past few years, but none really took off, except for one I've kept at Friendster for 3 years (or more, I don't remember) and that's only because at Friendster they have those email notification when your friends updated, so that really don't count.

Huhu.. It seems like I'm dying for some attention. REAL attention, not artificial ones where you won't even bother to read and just commented on something because you don't wanna lose your face by not leaving a comment.

It bugs me, you know. It bugs me A LOT.

So please, I don't care who you are, or where you come from, just leave your comments here and I'll die a happy woman!


See you later, soon-to-be friends!!

Tuesday, June 26

First Post!!


My first entry EVER! Hehe..

I'll add something up soon. Don't worry, I will.. =)